48th Annual Regional Anesthesiology
and Acute Pain Medicine Meeting

April 20-22, 2023 | The Diplomat Beach Resort, Hollywood, FL


Non-CME Ancillary Events

ASRA Pain Medicine has provided space for these non-CME ancillary events. The programs were independently produced, are not subject to review by ASRA Pain Medicine, and are not part of the scientific/educational program offered by ASRA Pain Medicine.

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Friday, 6:45-7:30 am

Breakfast Included, Great Hall 4

The Right Pump for the Right Patient: How I Use amBIT* in the Ambulatory Surgery Center

Faculty: Sonia Szlyk, MD

Avanos Pain Management

Dr. Sonia Szlyk is an expert in the use of catheters for peripheral nerve blocks and catheters for inpatient and outpatient surgery. Dr. Szlyk will discuss how she uses ambIT* specifically in her ambulatory surgery center practice and the results and benefits she has seen in her patient outcomes. RSVP at carrie.rutter@avanos.com or 414-218-4531.

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Friday, 12:15-1:00 pm

Lunch Included, Great Hall 4

A Strong Send Off: Pain & PONV in the Perioperative Space

Faculty: Randy Robbins, MD

heron therapeutics new logo 10.6.21

Learn about the prevalence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), opioid use, pain, and their impact on patient satisfaction, clinical outcomes, and cost. Explore the benefits of the first and only extended-release dual-acting local anesthetic (DALA) proven to reduce postoperative pain for up to 72 hours and reduce or eliminate the need for opioids in many patients. Understand the value of a proven, effective antiemetic with a 48-hour duration of action and a comparable safety profile to IV ondansetron. Attendees can RSVP using the following link: www.HeronSymposia.com

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