Ultrasonography in Pain Medicine SIG

Episode 32: Simulation in Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Education

Feb 26, 2019, 00:00 AM by ASRA RAPP

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Raj Gupta (@dr_rajgupta) and Sandy Christensen (@DrSandyC) talk to members of ASRA's Education in Regional Anesthesia Special Interest Group regarding the value of simulation in training on ultrasound-guided procedures. Recorded 02/26/2019.

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Make sure to check to follow along with the ASRA Spring meeting at #ASRASPRING19 or by going to www.asra.com/raapm19 for all the details.


Thanks to The Preps from Philadelphia, PA, for the music: ā€œFunkcore" and "Unknown Night." The band features Steve Breslin on vocals/guitars, Bryan Schwenk on guitars/vocals, Jeff Frederick on bass, and Eric Schwenk on drums.

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