Ultrasonography in Pain Medicine SIG

Health Facts for You, University of Wisconsin

Aug 1, 2019, 15:56 PM by Edward R. Mariano, MD, MAS

The following resources have been made available to ASRA members by the University of Wisconsin. Click on each link to download the associated file.

Common Questions

Epidural Analgesia/Anesthesia, Answers to Common Questions (PDF)

Epidural – Common Questions and Our Answers (PDF)

Regional Anesthesia for Hip Replacement Surgery, Common Questions and Our Answers (PDF)

Going Home

Going Home After Spinal, Epidural, or Nerve Block Anesthesia (PDF)

Going Home After a Lower Extremity Block Anesthesia (PDF)

Going Home After an Upper Extremity Block Anesthesia (PDF)

Going Home With an Upper Extremity Catheter (PDF)

Going Home with a Femoral Nerve Catheter (PDF)

Anesthesia and Blocks for Specific Surgeries

Anesthesia for ACL Surgery (PDF)

Anesthesia for Breast Surgery (PDF)

Anesthesia for Hand, Wrist, or Arm Surgery (PDF)

Anesthesia for Shoulder Surgery (PDF)

Blocks for Thoracic Surgery (PDF)

Epidural for Back Surgery (Microdiscectomy, ALIF) (PDF)

Transversus Abdominis Plane (TAP) Blocks for Surgery (PDF)

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