Ultrasonography in Pain Medicine SIG

Mentor Match FAQs

Oct 18, 2023, 16:23 PM by Physician Mentorship and Leadership Development SIG



Is there a fee associated with Mentor Match?

Mentor Match is a benefit of membership and is available only to ASRA Pain Medicine members. Not a member? Click here to join or renew your membership.

How are Mentors and Mentees matched?

Members must first enroll as a MentorMentee, or both. During enrollment, members will select preferences for various demographics (including mentoring topics and special interests) to establish their personal criteria. The Physician Mentorship and Leadership Development SIG will match Mentors and Mentees annually based on the selected mentoring topics and other demographic information provided in the enrollment process. 

How long does the Mentor Match program last?

The recommended length is nine months; however, the program can continue offline if mutually agreeable by both the Mentor and Mentee. We suggest that the Mentor and Mentee agree on a time frame that works best. 

How often will matches be made?

Mentor/Mentee matches are made annually at the beginning of the year. ASRA Pain Medicine will send out emails and reminders about the enrollment deadlines.


How do I become a Mentor?

If you are a member of ASRA Pain Medicine,  click here to enroll as a Mentor. 

Who are the Mentees?

Mentees are other ASRA Pain Medicine members who feel they will benefit professionally and personally from career support. 

Can I have more than one Mentee?

Yes, though we recommended no more than three Mentees at one time. 

How do I find Mentees?

The Physician Mentorship and Leadership Development SIG will match Mentors and Mentees based on the selected mentoring topics and other demographic information provided during enrollment. Once your match has been made, you will be contacted with details of your match via email.

Is it okay to reject a Mentee pairing?

We encourage you to have an initial conversation to explore whether the relationship would be mutually fulfilling. If you have questions after that initial conversation, please get in touch with ASRA Pain Medicine staff at asramembership@asra.com.

How do I end a mentoring relationship?

A wrap-up meeting will be scheduled at the end of the nine-month period. After this meeting, the mentoring relationship will officially end.  If the mentoring relationship isn't working, please get in touch with ASRA Pain Medicine staff at  asramembership@asra.com.

What are the expectations for participating Mentors?

We expect you to set the direction on the mentorship program based on the Mentee's goals and objectives, guide the Mentee on attaining the set goals, provide direct and actionable feedback during the program duration, set clear expectations, and be committed to the program. 

How much time will I need to invest as a Mentor?

We recommend that you and your Mentees agree on a schedule that works best for both of you. The most important thing is to discuss your mutual expectations about time and communication at the start of your relationship. Keep in mind that mentoring doesn’t necessarily require large amounts of your time. Even brief phone calls or email exchanges with you can make a big difference to your Mentees. The annual meeting also offers a convenient venue for getting together with your Mentees over coffee or lunch.

How have past Mentors felt about the Mentor Match Program?

Mentors reported the following in the 2022 post-program survey:

  • 94% felt that mentoring relationships outside of their institution had significant advantages.
  • 89% felt the Mentor Match mentoring relationship improved the career goals of their Mentee.
  • 73% felt the Mentor Match mentoring relationship improved the personal life and/or work-life balance for their Mentee.

What benefits do I receive from the organization if I participate as a Mentor in the program?

All Mentors are volunteers. Many successful people look back on their careers and recognize at least one Mentor who helped them achieve their goals. Your contributions are greatly appreciated!

The benefits of being a Mentor include:

  • Improving your own communication and supervisory skills.
  • Expanding your network.
  • Encouraging self-reflection.
  • Helping develop the next generation of leaders.


How do I become a Mentee?

If you are a member of ASRA Pain Medicine, click here to enroll as a Mentee. 

Who are the Mentors?

Mentors are other ASRA Pain Medicine members who have volunteered their time to support other members' careers.

Can I have more than one Mentor?

You can have one Mentor at any given time through Mentor Match.

How do I find a Mentor?

The Physician Mentorship and Leadership Development SIG will match Mentors and Mentees based on the selected mentoring topics and other demographic information provided during enrollment. Once your match has been made, you will be contacted with details of your match via email.

What if the Mentor isn’t the right “fit” for my needs?

Sometimes, regardless of the information provided, Mentors and Mentees don’t always "fit."  If this happens, we suggest you discuss your decision honestly and kindly with your Mentor. If the mentoring relationship isn't working, please get in touch with ASRA Pain Medicine staff at asramembership@asra.com.

Where can I meet with my Mentor?

It is up to you and your Mentor to decide how, when, and where you want to pursue your mentoring relationship. Most of your communication will likely occur virtually or via email. The annual meeting offers an excellent opportunity to meet in person.

How have past Mentees felt about the Mentor Match Program?

Mentees reported the following in the 2022 post-program survey:

  • 94% felt that mentoring relationships outside of their institution had significant advantages.
  • 90% felt that mentoring relationships outside of their institution enabled more direct and honest dialogue or feedback.
  • 90% felt that their Mentor Match mentoring relationship improved their career success.
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