Neuromodulation SIG Resources

Episode 36: Transitional Pain Service

Jul 21, 2019, 00:00 AM by Raj Gupta, MD, and Gary Schwartz, MD

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Raj Gupta (@dr_rajgupta) and Gary Schwartz (@garyschwartzmd) talk with our guests about the need for, implementation of, and results of creating a Transitional Pain Service to help patients with persistent post surgical pain. This episode is sponsored by the ASRA Persistent Perioperative Pain Special Interest Group! Recorded 07/21/2019.

- Hesham El-Sharkawy (@kaohesham)
- Padma Gulur (@doctorgulur)


  1. Richebe P, Capdevila X, Rivat C: Persistent Postsurgical Pain: Pathophysiology and Preventative Pharmacologic Considerations. Anesthesiology 2018; 129:590–607

  2. McGreevy K, Bottros MM, Raja SN: Preventing Chronic Pain following Acute Pain: Risk Factors, Preventive Strategies, and their Efficacy. Eur J Pain Suppl 2011; 5:365–72

  3. Katz J: The Toronto General Hospital Transitional Pain Service: development and implementation of a multidisciplinary program to prevent chronic postsurgical pain. J Pain Res 2015; 8:695–702

  4. Macrae WA: Chronic post-surgical pain: 10 years on. Br J Anaesth 2008; 101:77–86


Thanks to The Preps from Philadelphia, PA for the music: “Hindsight" and “Left Behind". The band features Steve Breslin on vocals/guitars, Bryan Schwenk on guitars/vocals, Jeff Frederick on bass, and Eric Schwenk on drums.

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