Neuromodulation SIG Resources

16th Annual Pain Medicine Meeting at Disney's Yacht and Beach Club Resorts: Leading With Quality

Jul 20, 2018, 16:21 PM by Kevin Vorenkamp, MD

It is my pleasure to invite you to the 16th Annual Pain Medicine Meeting: Leading With Quality, taking place November 16–18, 2017, at the Disney Yacht & Beach Club Resorts at Walt Disney World in Lake Buena Vista, Florida.

Building on successes from previous meetings, the scientific/ education planning committee considered past-attendee feedback, input from several ASRA special interest groups, and consultation with world-renowned leaders in pain medicine to create an exciting and informative meeting that you won't want to miss.

Innovative Program Content

Thursday's refresher courses feature international experts in the field of pain medicine, with basic science and clinical updates on complex regional pain syndrome, opioids, and spinal cord stimulation. A highlighted session will focus on spinal pain, from diagnosis to best practices, for optimizing patient outcomes. This outstanding panel will be moderated by Carlos Pino, MD, and includes leading experts David Kennedy, MD, James Rathmell, MD, Steven P. Cohen, MD, and Chad Brummett, MD.

Take advantage of lunch with an expert with one of 25 problem-based learning discussions where you can interact directly with nationally recognized faculty on topics ranging from basic sciences to percutaneous image-guided lumbar decompression, neuromodulation, challenging clinical scenarios, coding, and practice management. This is truly one of the special aspects of the ASRA meeting, bringing faculty and participants together for rich discussion and networking.

Friday's parallel sessions include trigeminal neuralgia, palliative medicine, regenerative medicine, and treating patients with challenging conditions, including fibromyalgia, facial pain, urogenital pain, and terminal cancer. Moderated by Andrea Nicol, MD, this session features international experts Daniel Clauw, MD, Ursula Wesselmann, MD, Leonardo Kapural, MD, and Afton Hassett, PsyD. The afternoon concludes with two focused plenary panels on opioid management “from initiation to termination” and advancements in the field of neurostimulation.

“The outstanding scientific program and networking opportunities will make this meeting a unique and informative experience not to be missed.”

Saturday's plenary sessions feature intrathecal drug delivery, mechanisms, and best practice guidelines, as well as sessions on physician burnout and musculoskeletal diagnosis and treatment.

We are especially proud to present a must-attend session, “Prospering in the New Healthcare Environment,” featuring Joseph Perz, DrPH, MA, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and David W. Baker, MD, MPH, FACP, from the Joint Commission. They will discuss infection control and the Joint Commission's newly revised Pain Assessment and Management Standards slated to take effect in January 2018. This session can be attended individually or as part of the full-day ASRA-ASA Practice Management Portfolio, offered at no additional charge. The program additionally offers a session titled “Reporting Measures and Payment Models,” featuring Matthew Popovich, PhD, from the American Society of Anesthesiologists and Richard Rosenquist, MD, from the Cleveland Clinic, as well as “Maintaining Premier Status Through Continual Improvement,” covering topics such as key metrics, contracts, hiring, and practice efficiency. This innovative program is designed for interactive discussion on key aspects of coding/compliance, managing a pain practice, and key aspects of MACRA in 2017 and in the years to come. These sessions are truly a must for both physician leaders and practice management specialists, designed to help your practice reach its full potential.

Workshops And Interactive Sessions

In addition to the main meeting sessions, you will have the opportunity to attend many hands-on workshops in areas of ultrasound and fluoroscopy, including regenerative medicine, radiofrequency ablation techniques, and surgical practicum. The highly popular ultrasound workshops, first demonstrated at ASRA and continuously evolving to meet learners' needs, now will offer a multistaged curriculum that will prepare individuals interested in pursuing the Pain and MSK Interventional Ultrasound Certificate.

PA/Nurse Practitioner/Nursing Program

We realize the importance of nonphysician providers in our busy health care system and continue to be excited about the growth of this aspect in our program. In addition to the dedicated PA/NP/ Nursing program, participants also have the opportunity to attend targeted interactive sessions on intrathecal therapy, diagnostic imaging, and the hands-on physical exam workshop. Plus, don't miss the PA/NP/Nursing Meet and Greet on Friday at 10 a.m. in the Exhibit Hall!

Resident and Fellow Program

Our Resident and Fellow Educational Program reflects input from the Resident Section Committee, requesting not only relevant clinical information but also pertinent information from leading clinical and practice management experts on how to transition successfully into practice. The procedural workshops on fluoroscopy and ultrasound-guided procedures fill up early, so register soon! Residents and fellows also have the opportunity to enjoy a beverage while networking with fellow trainees and members of the Association of Pain Program Directors at the Resident/Fellow and Pain Program Directors Meet and Greet being held on Friday at 5:30 p.m.

Dr. Michael Stanton-Hicks

Special Events

In addition to the moderated ePosters and abstracts, several other activities are occurring alongside the main meeting. Learn about emerging therapies and innovative solutions in the exhibit hall, or attend the non–continuing medical education breakfast and luncheon events. The popular Wine and Bubbly Networking Reception and Exhibit Hall Grand Opening will be held on Thursday evening at 5:15 p.m. Plus, don't miss our popular Excellence in ASRA Awards Luncheon on Saturday, featuring past president Michael Stanton-Hicks, MD, of the Cleveland Clinic presenting the always thought-provoking John Bonica Lecture (Figure 1).

Welcome to Disney

Finally, be sure to plan to stay for the Saturday Annual Meeting Celebration on Shipwreck Beach where faculty and participants can relax together and have some fun after the meeting (Figure 2). This year's event is a kid-friendly, casual beach party with something for everyone: BBQ, cocktails, games, music, and a crazy Hawaiian shirt contest, as well as some fun Disney surprises. The party is on a beach, so wear your flip flops and bring your family and friends.

Stormalong Beach

In addition to the exceptional Disney's Yacht & Beach Club facilities, hospitality, and service, we are confident that the outstanding scientific program and networking opportunities will make this meeting a unique and informative experience not to be missed. The world of pain medicine is an exciting area in which to work, and we'll continue to meet and bring inspired people together in forums like this to ensure our organization and discipline remains at the cutting edge. Register at

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