Practice Advisory on the Prevention and Management of Complications of Pediatric Regional Anesthesia

Mar 24, 2022, 20:50 PM by ASRA Pain Medicine

A joint committee of the European Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Therapy (ESRA) and the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA Pain Medicine) studied electronic literature databases of pediatric regional anesthesia to construct evidence-based recommendations for prevention and management of infections, bleeding, and local anesthetic toxicity in children undergoing regional anesthesia.

In children undergoing regional anesthesia the incidence of infection, hematoma, and local anesthetic toxicity is low. The ASRA Pain Medicine/ESRA joint committee proposes a practice advisory to prevent and treat these complications.

Read the practice advisory.

This practice advisory was first published March 24, 2022, and will be reviewed again in 2027.

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