Worthy Reading
Butkus R, Serchen J, Moyer DV, Bornstein SS, Hingle ST; Health and Public Policy Committee of the American College of Physicians. Achieving gender equity in physician compensation and career advancement: A position paper of the American College of Physicians. Ann Intern Med. 2018;168(10):721-723. doi: 10.7326/M17-3438.
Doshi TL, Bicket MC. Why aren’t there more female pain medicine physicians? Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2018; Apr 9. doi: 10.1097/AAP.0000000000000774
Tsugawa Y, Jena A, Figueroa J, Orav EJ, Blumenthal DM, Jha AK. Comparison of hospital mortality and readmission rates for Medicare patients treated by male vs female physicians. JAMA Intern Med. 2017 Feb 1; 177(2): 206-213. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.7875.
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