Practice Management

Editor's Message: The Silver Lining

Aug 1, 2021, 22:00 PM by Dalia H. Elmofty, MD, University of Chicago


Cite as: Elmofty, DH. Editor's message: silver lining. ASRA News. 2021;46.

Dr. Dalia Elmofty

Dalia H. Elmofty, MD
ASRA Newsletter Editor/Vice Chair, Newsletter Committee




sun through clouds


“Every cloud has a silver lining.”

As the world moves out of the pandemic era week by week and for all the difficulties and challenges we have faced during this time, we must search for the silver lining. That silver lining can help us tackle current and future challenges with a positive mindset and compassion. Being compassionate in every task you confront benefits both “the giver and the recipient.”

“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” - The Dalai Lama

We have seen and attempted to adapt to so many changes this past year. It has been extremely overwhelming for everyone. But during these difficult times, martial artist Bruce Lee, would have urged us to be like water: “Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way round or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.”

Optimism is a key to positive emotional wellbeing. Start everyday on “the right side of the bed,” take a deep breath, and shift the day towards a more encouraging direction. 

As we shift into a new direction with our ASRA Newsletter Committee for 2021-2022, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce and thank the committee members for their devotion and dedication to ASRA. We look forward to bringing you exciting and inspiring topics in our quarterly e-newsletter.


Kristopher Schroeder, MD, Committee Chair

Dalia Elmofty, MD, Sub-chair/Editor

Kwesi Kwofie, MD, Associate Editor, Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain

Reda Tolba, MD, Associate Editor, Chronic Pain

Anthony Machi, MD, Associate Editor, Special Projects

Kellie Jaremko, MD, Associate Editor, Social Media

Nathalie Lunden, MD

Beth VanderWielen, MD

Sudheer Potru, DO

Veena Graff, MD

Harsha Shanthanna, MD

Yashar Eshraghi, MD

Jerry Jones, MD

James Turner, MD

Amit Pawa MD, Foreign Correspondent

Clara Lobo MD, Foreign Correspondent

Sabrina Oukil, MD, Resident Section Chair

Vivian Ip, MD, Ad hoc member

Angie Stengel, Executive Director

Anne Snively, Communications Director

Athena Ermidis, Communications Coordinator



Dalia H. Elmofty, MD, is an associate professor and associate program director of the Pain Fellowship at the University of Chicago.


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