Diagnostic Imaging for Pain Management: Guidelines, Indications, and Interpretations


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  • General Guidelines for Ordering Imaging in Pain Medicine 
  • Central Canal, Neural Foramen Stenosis, Epidural Abscess, Pelvic Mass (Leiomyoma Causing LBP), Erector Spinae Wasting
  • Vertebral Body (Modic and Fracture vs Neoplasm)
  • Spinal Epidural Hematoma-Lumbar Disc Herniation 


  • Juan Mora, MD; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
  • Bhuvaneswari Sandeep Ram, MD; University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, IL
  • Amir Jafari, DO; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
  • Rene Przkora, MD, PhD; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL




Pain is the most common complaint from patients seeking medical attention. Pain, especially the transition to chronic pain and chronic pain itself, is poorly understood. Practice guidelines to treat patients in pain are constantly evolving, and therefore, need constant updates to achieve the best practice standards. Learn from the experts how to treat these patients using the most up-to-date knowledge and insight.