Ultrasonography in Pain Medicine SIG

Episode 34: Facebook Live - Day 1 of the ASRA Spring Meeting

Apr 11, 2019, 00:00 AM by ASRA

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Raj Gupta (@dr_rajgupta) and Gary Schwartz (@garyschwartzmd) talk about the first day of the 2019 ASRA Spring Meeting #ASRASpring19 with multiple special guests! Recorded 04/11/2019.

Our Guests:
Amit Pawa - @amit_pawa
Asokumar Buvanendran - @Kumar_asra
Jeni Noerenberg - @DrJeniMD
Shelly Ferrell - @aneswiseguys
Katharine Fleischmann
Brinda Kamdar
Steve Haskins - @shaskinsMD
Michelle Kars - @MKarsMD
Jan Boublik - @jan1boublik
Kanups Kumar - @KanupsKumar

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