ASRA Pain Medicine Member Spotlight

May 2024: Mandip Kalsi

May 1, 2024, 08:56 AM by ASRA Pain Medicine


Our Member Spotlight for May features Mandip S. Kalsi, MD, nominated by Bradley Budde, MD. Dr. Kalsi received his medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine as well as completed his residency with their department of anesthesiology. He then went on to Hospital of Special Surgery (HSS) to complete his fellowship in regional anesthesiology and acute pain medicine.

Since 2015 Dr. Kalsi has been an assistant attending anesthesiologist and clinical assistant professor of anesthesiology at Weill Cornell Medical College. Dr. Budde nominated Dr. Kalsi due to his tireless efforts with the fellowship director’s group at HSS. “Being able to work closely with Mandip has been a valuable experience for me, seeing his professional and transparent approach to all the challenges that arose throughout the process,” Dr. Budde states, “He was able to unite the whole group and keep the timeline on track and manageable for all.” As fellowship program director at HSS, Dr. Kalsi has implemented a required and specific scholarly learning curriculum for fellows, instituted regular fellowship check ins, and reorganized the clinical experience into a 13 block clinical rotation.

Currently, Dr. Kalsi is working with his co-faculty at HSS to create a virtual curriculum that implements the flipped classroom model, while also serving as a member on both the Resuscitation and Education Committees. Dr. Kalsi is currently serving as President-Elect of the recently formalized Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicine Fellowship Directors Group, in existence as a voluntary group since 2001, and now known as the Regional Anesthesia Fellowship Directors Association (RAFDA).


Can you think of an ASRA Pain Medicine colleague doing great things under the radar? Nominate them for the ASRA Pain Medicine Monday Member Spotlight. Through the member spotlight, ASRA Pain Medicine will highlight those members committed to high-quality health care, community support, and the future of regional anesthesia and pain medicine. This includes, but is not limited to, contributions through work, teaching, mentorship, research, community involvement, and or advocacy.

The professional and personal contributions of ASRA Pain Medicine members go beyond many of our expectations. Help us shine a light on the diverse and impactful work of our members.

Nominations will be accepted and highlighted throughout the year. Self-nominations are permitted. Specific attention will be given to those members who haven't been highlighted previously in ASRA Pain Medicine activities. 


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